Suggested Actions by Leonardo Boselli

Version 1/140823

"After examining a thing, this extension lists the possible actions."


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


++ 0% (Reading text)
++ 5% (Analysing sentences)
++ 15% (Drawing inferences)
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++ 32% (Binding rulebooks)
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In the sentence 'if bulk capacity of the nearest-container >= bulk of O'
actions by leonardo boselli, I was expecting to read a condition, but instead
found some text that I couldn't understand - 'bulk capacity of the
nearest-container >= bulk of O'.
I was trying to match this phrase:
if (bulk capacity of the nearest-container >= bulk of o - a
But I didn't recognise 'bulk capacity of the nearest-container >= bulk of

In the sentence 'if bulk capacity of O < bulk of T' suggested actions by leonardo
boselli, I was expecting to read a
condition, but instead found some text that I couldn't understand - 'bulk
capacity of O < bulk of T'.
I was trying to match this phrase:
if (bulk capacity of o < bulk of t - a condition):
But I didn't recognise 'bulk capacity of o < bulk of t'.
++ 86% (Generating code)
++ 89% (Generating code)
++ Ended: Translation failed: 2 problems found
Copy Include Suggested Actions by Leonardo Boselli to clipboard Include Suggested Actions by Leonardo Boselli.
After examining an object, it's written a list of the possible actions applicable to that object.
Version 1/140823 of Suggested Actions by Leonardo Boselli begins here.

"After examining a thing, this extension lists the possible actions."

Chapter 1 - Proximity

The nearest-person is an object that varies. Nearest-person is nothing.
The nearest-supporter is an object that varies. The nearest-supporter is nothing.
The nearest-container is an object that varies. The nearest-container is nothing.

After examining a person (called the examined):
   if the examined is not the player and the examined is not an animal:
     now the nearest-person is the examined;
   continue the action.

After examining a supporter (called the examined):
   now the nearest-supporter is the examined;
   continue the action.

After examining a container (called the examined):
   now the nearest-container is the examined;
   continue the action.

Chapter 2 - Support for Suggesting

last action-noun is an object that varies. last action-noun is initially nothing.
last action-noun2 is an object that varies. last action-noun2 is initially nothing.

To set action-noun to (O - a thing):
   now last action-noun is O.
To set action-nouns to (O - a thing) and (O2 - a thing):
   set action-noun to O;
   now last action-noun2 is O2.
Before examining something (called the O):
   set action-noun to O;
   continue the action.
Before dropping something (called the O):
   set action-noun to O;
   continue the action.

Before taking something (called the O):
   set action-noun to O;
   continue the action.

Before wearing something (called the O):
   set action-noun to O;
   continue the action.

Before taking off something (called the O):
   set action-noun to O;
   continue the action.

Before inserting something (called the O) into something (called the C):
   set action-nouns to O and C;
   continue the action.
Before putting something (called the O) on something (called the S):
   set action-nouns to O and S;
   continue the action.
Before entering something (called the S):
   set action-noun to S;
   continue the action.

Before opening something (called the C):
   set action-noun to C;
   continue the action.

Before closing something (called the C):
   set action-noun to C;
   continue the action.

Before locking something (called the C) with something (called the K):
   set action-nouns to C and K;
   continue the action.

Before unlocking something (called the C) with something (called the K):
   set action-nouns to C and K;
   continue the action.

Before exiting:
   if the container exited from is not a room:
     set action-noun to the container exited from;
   continue the action.

Before getting off something (called the S):
   set action-noun to S;
   continue the action.

Before switching on something (called the D):
   set action-noun to D;
   continue the action.

Before switching off something (called the D):
   set action-noun to D;
   continue the action.

Before giving something (called the T) to something (called the P):
   set action-nouns to T and P;
   continue the action.

Every turn when last action-noun is not nothing and last action-noun is visible:
   try suggesting actions for last action-noun;
   if last action-noun2 is not nothing:
     if last action-noun2 is not last action-noun:
       try suggesting actions for last action-noun2;
     now last action-noun2 is nothing;
   now last action-noun is nothing;
   say "[run paragraph on]".

prev-single-action is a truth state that varies. prev-single-action is initially false.
prev-multi-action is a truth state that varies. prev-multi-action is initially false.
To say suggest single-action (txt - a text) on (O - an object):
   if prev-single-action is true:
     say " / ";
   otherwise if prev-multi-action is true:
     say "[line break]* ";
     now prev-single-action is true;
     now prev-multi-action is false;
     say "* ";
     now prev-single-action is true;
   say "[setlink][txt][aslink][txt] [the O][endlink]".

To say suggest multi-action on (O - an object):
   if prev-single-action is true:
     say " [the O][line break]* ";
     now prev-single-action is false;
     now prev-multi-action is true;
   otherwise if prev-multi-action is true:
     say "[line break]* ";
     say "* ";
     now prev-multi-action is true;

To say stop suggesting-actions on (O - an object):
   if prev-single-action is true:
     say " [the O]";
     now prev-single-action is false;
   otherwise if prev-multi-action is true:
     now prev-multi-action is false;
     say "[run paragraph on]";

Suggesting actions for is an action applying to a thing.

Definition: a thing is takeable if it is not a person and it is not part of something and it is not fixed in place.

Chapter 3 - Suggesting Actions

Show suggested actions is a truth state that varies. Show suggested actions is true.

After looking for the first time (this is the suggestions first time looking rule):
   say "[no line break]([italic type]Type [t]SUGGESTIONS OFF[x][italic type] to hide the list of suggested actions[roman type]).[paragraph break]" (A);
   continue the action.

Understand "suggestions off" as turning off suggestions.
Understand "suggestions" or "suggestions on" as turning on suggestions.

Turning off suggestions is an action out of world.

Check turning off suggestions (this is the turn off suggestions rule):
   if show suggested actions is false, say "Suggestions are already off." (A) instead.

Carry out turning off suggestions:
   now show suggested actions is false;
   continue the action;
Report turning off suggestions (this is the report turn off suggestions rule):
   say "[t]Suggestions[x] are now off." (A).

Turning on suggestions is an action out of world.

Check turning on suggestions (this is the check turning on suggestions rule):
   if show suggested actions is true, say "Suggestions are already on." (A) instead.

Carry out turning on suggestions:
   now show suggested actions is true;
   continue the action;
Report turning on suggestions (this is the report turning on suggestions rule):
   say "Suggestions are now on." (A).

Before suggesting actions for a thing (called the O):
   if show suggested actions is false:
     stop the action;
   if the O is not visible:
     stop the action;

Carry out suggesting actions for a door (called the O) (this is the suggesting door rule):
   let txt be an indexed text;
   if the O is open:
     now txt is "close" (A);
     now txt is "open" (B);
   say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
   if the O is lockable and the matching key of O is not nothing and the player carries the matching key of O:
     if the O is locked:
       now txt is "unlock" (D);
       now txt is "lock" (E);
     say "[suggest multi-action on O][setlink][txt][aslink][txt] [the O] with [the matching key of O][endlink] [the O] with [the matching key of O]" (F);
   now txt is "go" (C);
   say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
   say "[run paragraph on]";
Carry out suggesting actions for a device (called the O) (this is the suggesting device rule):
   let txt be an indexed text;
   if the O is switched off:
     now txt is "switch on" (A);
     now txt is "switch off" (B);
   say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
   say "[run paragraph on]";

Carry out suggesting actions for a worn thing (called the O) (this is the suggesting worn thing rule):
   let txt be "take off" (A);
   say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
   say "[run paragraph on]";

Carry out suggesting actions for a wearable carried thing (called the O) (this is the suggesting wearable thing rule):
   let txt be "wear" (A);
   say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
   say "[run paragraph on]";

Carry out suggesting actions for a carried thing (called the O) (this is the suggesting carried thing rule):
   let txt be "drop" (A);
   say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
   if the O is edible:
     now txt is "smell" (B);
     say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
     now txt is "taste" (C);
     say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
     now txt is "eat" (D);
     say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
   if the nearest-supporter is not nothing and the nearest-supporter is visible:
     if the nearest-supporter is not the O:
       if the nearest-supporter is not the last action-noun or the nearest-supporter is not the last action-noun2:
         say "[suggest multi-action on O][setlink]put[aslink]put [the O] on [the nearest-supporter][endlink] [the O] on [the nearest-supporter]" (E);
   if the nearest-container is not nothing and the nearest-container is visible:
     if the nearest-container is not the O:
       if bulk capacity of the nearest-container >= bulk of O:
         if the nearest-container is not the last action-noun or the nearest-container is not the last action-noun2:
           say "[suggest multi-action on O][setlink]put[aslink]put [the O] into [the nearest-container][endlink] [the O] into [the nearest-container]" (F);
   if the nearest-person is not nothing and the nearest-person is visible:
     if the nearest-person is not the last action-noun and the nearest-person is not the last action-noun2:
       say "[suggest multi-action on O][setlink]give[aslink]give [the O] to [the nearest-person][endlink] [the O] to [the nearest-person]" (G);
   say "[run paragraph on]";

Carry out suggesting actions for a thing (called the O) (this is the suggesting takeable rule):
   if O is not carried and O is not worn:
     if the O is takeable:
       let txt be "take" (A);
       say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
       say "[run paragraph on]";
Carry out suggesting actions for a container (called the O) (this is the suggesting container rule):
   let txt be an indexed text;
   if the O is open:
     if the O is openable:
       now txt is "close" (A);
       say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
     let Objs be the list of things carried by the player;
     if Objs is not empty:
       if O is listed in Objs:
         remove O from Objs;
       repeat with T running through Objs:
         if bulk capacity of O < bulk of T:
           remove T from Objs;
       if Objs is not empty:
         say "[suggest multi-action on O]put " (B);
         let CT be 0;
         repeat with T running through Objs:
           say "[setlink][the T][aslink]put [the T] into [the O][endlink]" (C);
           increment CT;
           unless CT is the number of entries in Objs:
             say " / ";
         say " into [the O]" (D);
     now txt is "open" (E);
     say "[suggest single-action txt on O]";
   say "[run paragraph on]";

Carry out suggesting actions for a supporter (called the O) (this is the suggesting supporter rule):
   let Objs be the list of things carried by the player;
   if Objs is not empty:
     if O is listed in Objs:
       remove O from Objs;
     if Objs is not empty:
       say "[suggest multi-action on O]put " (A);
       let CT be 0;
       repeat with T running through Objs:
         say "[setlink][the T][aslink]put [the T] on [the O][endlink]" (B);
         increment CT;
         unless CT is the number of entries in Objs:
           say " / ";
       say " on [the O]" (C);
       say "[run paragraph on]";

Carry out suggesting actions for an enterable thing (called the O) (this is the suggesting enterable rule):
   if the O is a supporter:
     if the player is on the O:
       say "[suggest multi-action on O][setlink]get off[endlink]" (A);
       say "[suggest multi-action on O][setlink]enter[aslink]enter [the O][endlink] [the O]" (B);
   otherwise if the O is a container:
     if the player is in the O:
       say "[suggest multi-action on O][setlink]exit[endlink]" (C);
       say "[suggest multi-action on O][setlink]enter[aslink]enter [the O][endlink] [the O]" (D);
   say "[run paragraph on]";

Carry out suggesting actions for a person (called the O) (this is the suggesting person rule):
   if the O is not the player and the number of things carried by the player > 0:
     say "[suggest multi-action on O]give " (A);
     let CT be 0;
     repeat with T running through the things carried by the player:
       say "[setlink][the T][aslink]give [the T] to [the O][endlink]" (B);
       increment CT;
       unless CT is the number of things carried by the player:
         say " / ";
     say " to [the O]" (C);
     say "[run paragraph on]";

Section - Last Carry Out

Last carry out suggesting actions for a thing (called the O):
   say "[stop suggesting-actions on O]";

Chapter END

Suggested Actions ends here.